Bring nature forward.
Bring ritual forward.
Bring connection forward.
Human and non-human.
Body and the natural world.
Inner and outer.
Allow all this to exist at once.
Featured Projects

Whispers from my creative practice…
I am here, Jill.
I am here. I am full. I am with you.
This is not about finding or connecting the threads – the tapestry is there, already woven.
It holds a story that stretches forward and backward in time. Contains a multitude of stories, of human and natural worlds, visible and unseen.
Your job is to move across the threads from one to another, collect the soil of experience on your shoes and travel with it, leave traces of it as you go.
Transform the tapestry into a sphere. Invite others along to have a journey of their own.
Don’t separate or categorise. Don’t limit. Find ways to celebrate and to honour.
Allow all things to exist together with mingling edges.
Bring nature forward. Bring ritual forward. Bring connection forward. Human and non-human. Body and the natural world. Inner and outer.
Allow all this to exist at once.
Be calm, drunk on the fermentation of life and experience. Dwell in the places you and the universe touch.
It’s not about what you think the world wants of you. Or what you think art or life or you should be.
Let us sit. Let us breathe. Let us move at the pace of trees.
This is the way to crack open your chest and spill yourself into the world.
Not suddenly or violently, but a slow trickle, like water pushing through a crack in a rock shelf fed by a glacier.